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Domain 3: Instruction



   Instruction encompasses everything I say and do in front of my students in the classroom setting. It helps me define what I want my students to do and understand. By varying instruction, including the method of delivery of information and the responses expected from students, I am allowing my students to become well-rounded learners. Music is a very unique subject in that the responses required from students can be vast and broad. For this reason, I make every effort to assess students in a multitude of ways. Through performance tasks designed to evoke a specific outcome, I am able to judge if a student truly understands the information being presented. Whether it be through performance or writing, I can see what information was processed and what needs to be covered again in a different way. Instruction is nothing without proper assessment, and proper assessment is meaningless unless it is analyzed and used to better enhance instruction. The artifacts in this domain show my ability to vary instruction for my students.

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