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Name: Anikka S.

Date of Birth: May 8, 2003

Race: Caucasian

Presenting Problem:

            Anikka applied to the Janus School in October of 2011 with her parent’s concern of her academic skills in regards to reading, writing, and math.  The purpose of this social history is to understand if there are any mental health and psychological issues that the Janus School should be aware of, also to judge her future success.


Background Information:

            Anikka is an eight year old female who is an only child living with both of her parents.  She and her two parents currently live in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Anikka has a handful of pets that keep her company when she is at home.  Her pets consist of two dogs, one cat, two fish, and a hamster.  At the Janus School so far, Anikka has stated that she has made a best friend who she shares five out of her seven classes with.

Her parents run a chain of funeral homes with the help of extended family members.  Her parent’s roles at the funeral homes consist of the director and the officer manager.  Because of her parent’s involvement at the homes and Anikka’s young age, she accompanies the two when they need to be at their job and Anikka is at school.  Anikka’s atypicality score on her BASC assessment were abnormal and had also shown a couple areas of concern. When Anikka was questioned on some of her answers in this category, it became apparent that there was a more typical explanation for the way she answered these questions, and there was no indication of a more serious thought disorder. For example, she answered positively that she hears and sees things others cannot see. When she was questioned on this, it was apparent that she was talking about her guardian angel, Candy. Anikka describes the guardian angel, which was introduced to her by her mother, as a positive influence in her life.  This contextual information was taken into consideration when understanding her atypicallity scores.



            Anikka began going to Clay Elementary, a public school for traditional education.  Anikka attended Clay elementary from kindergarten until third grade.  It was at this time that her parents as well as her teachers began to realize she was having difficulties keeping up with her peers.  Anikka received extra support in kindergarten during the second half of the day.  This support was to help her learn letters, the sounds associated with them, and how to read and write applying this skill.  By the end of these support sessions, Anikka was able to identify her letters and match the sounds that went along with each one.  As she began first grade, teachers began noticing that Anikka would mix up her letters and numbers; consequently, reading and comprehension became a struggle.  When applying to the Janus School in the fall of 2011, Anikka was asked, “What are your long term educational goals?”  Her mother responded that Anikka did not understand this question.  However, when asked a month later, her response was, “to read better”.


Developmental/Medical History

            Anikka was born as a premature baby.  This was a necessary precaution for the reason that her mother was in need of uterine surgery.  Anikka was a healthy child and reached each milestone at each appropriate time mark.  She possessed good physical health growing up and it was determined that she was right hand, right eye dominant; this meaning that she is left brain dominant. 

            Along with her father, who had a similar diagnosis growing up, Anikka has been diagnosed with double-deficit dyslexia.  Her difference has held her back from succeeding at the same pace as peers her age.  Anikka felt like she is falling behind in her school work and does not understand things the first time.  Her psychological report explains that Anikka will understand things more clearly when they are read out loud to her than when she is reading it herself.  Past teachers have reported that if Anikka fails to do well on a written exam, it is suggested that it be given to her orally to measure her level or understanding.  It is expected that she would perform much higher. 

            Psychological reports suggest that Anikka’s mental capacity is that of a five and a half year old.  She tends to lack memorization skills and succeeds best with short and precise directions and details.



            The client spoke in a very positive and energetic manner.  She is aware of her difference and is eager to share with others the way she sees things.  When asked to speak about her experience at the Janus School she stated that she “loves it here”.  This is a very positive reaction in comparison to her responses about her previous school.  Anikka is aware that her peers at the Janus School have differences similar to her own.  Utilizing this knowledge, she has adjusted quickly to the school’s environment and is eager to learn.

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