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Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records

Maintaining Accurate Records


In Student Teaching, I began to accurately maintain records in most subject areas that I taught. I used excel to track student's progress in math, language arts, guided reading, and social studies. Using excel, allowed me to quickly see which students needed to still complete assignments as well as student's progress.  Anytime I assigned a project, I made sure that I tracked which students completed the assignment. When students hand in the project, I have a checklist to monitor who has finished the project. It is important to keep student's grades up to date throughout the marking period. Whenever students hand in an assignment or test, I grade them as soon as possible, because it is essential to give students timely feedback on their work. I know as a student, I got frustrated when teachers neglected to hand back assignments for weeks at a time.


In Junior Block, I maintained accurate anecdotal records on a student's reading and writing skills. This evidence is in Domain 2. After every math unit, I track student's progress on key concepts. This is based on student's achievement on the test as well as work that is completed during class. I have also kept track on non-instructional records such as picture day slips, daily attendance, and returning books.

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Guided Reading Checklist

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