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For my ED 305 placement, I had to plan and prepare every week for the Honors Algebra. My mentor teacher would tell me the day before what he would like me to teach and I would go to the website with his lessons and together a lesson of my own. One of the first weeks was on graphing linear equations, for which I used this lesson.  


For my ED 161 class, I had to create a lesson plan that taught my subject field by using technology. I used the online review game, Quizizz to teach math.


For my community placement, I made many scavenger hunts that tested problem-solving, reading and writing skills, social interactions with others, and fine motor skills since the mother told us these were the boys’ weakest areas. "Ronan and Chi's Amazing Race" was my favorite scavenger hunt I created, which was based on the show The Amazing Race.


For my independent study, I co-made a lesson plan that we used in class and then a homework assignment for when they are home. I also created a homework sheet for the students to complete.

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