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1E. Designing Coherent Instruction

5th Grade Science: Circulatory System Unit


Click To View Lessons in Unit:

Day 1: Circulatory System KWL

Day 2: Heart Rate Experiment

Day 3: Blood Circulation and Class Model  

Day 4: Writing - "Travels of a Blood Cell"

Day 5: Red and White Blood Cells Review

Day 6: Bill Nye Video 

Day 7: Complete KWL and Create "Mind Maps"


Click To View Student Work:

Student Work: "Travels of a Blood Cell" Stories

Student Work: Heart Rate Experiment 1

Student Work: Heart Rate Experiment 2 



This unit was designed to first uncover student misconceptions about the Circulatory System, then meet students at their instructional level to help them learn.  The unit began and ended with a "KWL" chart so that students could reflect on what they know, want to know, and what they learned.  Through a heart rate experiment where students found their pulse and graphed their heart rate, we were able to predict, analyze, and make conclusions about how our heart rate changes at rest versus during exercise.  Students learned about oxygenation and deoxygenation as they learned about the path that blood takes throughout the body.  Next, students learned the difference between the jobs that both red and white cells have in our body.  After a review video, students created "Mind Maps," based on Strategies that Work by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis.  Each lesson was aimed to meet essential questions for instruction.



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Graph from Heart Rate Experiment

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