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Data based intervention is often needed to determine where a given student is at in terms of academic skill level. As a result, a more individualized intervention is implemented to provide the students with the needed instructional supports and services they need to succeed. During my time in an autistic support classroom I conducted this DBI on a student, focusing on their present levels of performance and skill level. Due to the fact that there was a deficit in letter naming fluency and oral counting instruction within the student’s skill repertoire, it became my main focus of intervention. After background information was gathered and measurement procedures were identified, interventions were carried out for 5 weeks. At this time data was gathered and student progress was tracked.  During my intervention I ensured that all the materials and resources utilized were suitable to the student and supported both the short and long term  instructional outcomes set. Concluding the five week time frame, I observed and assessed the data gathered to determine the students’ present levels and in turn utilized the information obtained to shape and mold my instruction and support interventions. This artifact demonstrates my ability to plan, prepare, and shape instruction in an individualized manner, using research and data driven results to supplement the instruction my students receive. 


Component 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

Component 1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes

Component 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

Component 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction



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User-uploaded Content

This document depicts the data based interventions carried out with a student to improve their letter naming fluency and oral counting skills. 

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