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Domain II: The Classroom Environment

Component 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 

Component 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning 

Component 2c: Managing Classroom Procedures

Component 2d: Managing Student Behavior

Component 2e: Organizing Physical Space  


In order for the best learning experience to occur, the atmosphere in which a student learns needs to be one of safety, security, and respect. To establish a classroom community such as this an educator must make it their duty to create a safe and welcoming learning environment for all. To accomplish this class rules and expectations need to be introduced early on. Compassion, kindness, and a respect for all needs to be instilled in students as soon as they enter the school community. With clear expectations and positive role modeling I feel that both social and academic success can be achieved not only within in the four walls of the classroom, but among the school community as well. In order to build my classroom community I believe that once the basics (respect, kindness, compassion) are instilled, collaborative and hands- on activates can then be carried out to facilitate social interactions amongst students and their peers. This social interaction is what will lead to a strong, comfortable, and accepting classroom community.  As an educator it is also my responsibility to be responsive and address problem behaviors when they impede on not only a students'  own learning, but their peers learning as well. With clear expectations and a safe learning environment set in place maximum learning will occur. 


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