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Domain 2: Classroom Environment


2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning

2c: Managing Classroom Procedures

2d: Managing Student Behavior

2e: Organizing Physical Space


The way in which the classroom environment is established is vital in setting the tone of the atmosphere for the entire school year. The classroom culture should be one of respect and acceptance, where students feel like they are in a safe, comfortable space to successfully learn. This culture will allow students to build positive peer relationships as well as a relationship with me. Students will have opportunities to collaborate as a team, ask questions, challenge themselves and each other, and be a leader in the classroom. My classroom atmosphere will promote acceptance as well as diversity, exposing children to a multicultural environment


Establishing routines  and smooth transitions will be an effective practice for managing student behavior. Students will be aware of the expectations set for them, therefore, promoting positive student behavior and enhancing the quality and length of instruction time. The physical organization of the classroom space provides a framework for the classroom environment, as well. Desks that are organized in groups promotes a student-centered approach that encourages collaboration and teamwork


The artifacts presented in this domain reflect my abilities to shape the foundation for a positive, repsectful classroom environment

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.