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Domain 2: Classroom Environment 

2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning

2c. Managing Classroom Procedures

2d. Managing Student Behavior

2e. Organizing Physical Space



In order to best foster student learning, students must reside in a safe, secure, and motivational classroom that is a foundation for each individual success. The classroom is most effective when there is a sense of community and acceptance. The community will be managed by celebrating student's differences, backgrounds, and failures. Even when students fail, they will find a "norm" in perseverance and flexibility; each individual needs space and opportunities to build a relationship with failure. When the classroom is physically, emotionally, and socially connected, students sill learn persistence and resilience through their own mistakes. A lesson cannot be learned if one does fail at first.


In addition, it is important that everyone's ideas and opinions be respected, accepted, and included. Every student brings uniqueness to the classroom from their diverse experiences. Overall, by celebrating individuality and guiding students to connect in various situations that lead to class success, the classroom will then prosper. 


The following activities under each sub-domain display how an understanding and an empathetic classroom is essential to establishing a secure environment for all.


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