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Appendix 1

Lifelong Learning Questionnaire


The Lifelong Learning Questionnaire (LLQ) may help you to consider various aspects of yourself as a lifelong learner.  There are no right or wrong answers.  Rather, the questionnaire may be used to stimulate reflection about your “learning self.”  Therefore, please consider your results as hypotheses to examine in the context of evidence from other sources.


            Please read the following statements.  Indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with each statement by using the following codes:


1 = Strongly Agree


2 = Agree


3 = Disagree


4 = Strongly Disagree


    3             1.  I regularly read professional journals in my field.


     1         2.  I genuinely enjoy learning.


      2           3.  I always do more than the minimum requirements in courses, seminars, or workshops.


      2           4.  I regularly pursue opportunities to advance my knowledge and expertise.


       2          5.  I never become defensive when someone offers feedback that could improve my knowledge and skill.


       3          6.  I like to study.


        1         7.  I know my personal learning style.


         2        8.  I am actively involved in learning experiences.


          1       9.  I take personal responsibility for my own learning.


         1        10.  I view examinations as a way to learn.


       3          11.  I know how to conduct a professional literature review.


        3         12.  I sometimes contact national and international experts in my learning efforts.


      2           13.  I have a list of learning goals.


       2          14.  I have specific plans to advance my learning.


       2          15.  I enjoy teaching others.


     30                   LLQ Score


       In the college atmosphere the ability to learn knowledge and in turn act with that knowledge is very important and the way you learn is important.  Once out in the working world there are still amounts of information that need to be learned.  New information is developed everyday and with that a professional can better themselves and their career.  Even though one is a professional, there will always be new knowledge that can be gained.  One just needs to be open to learning this information and to being open to the ways that will help etch the information in one’s mind.

      If a student does not like to study then how will they learn because cramming only worked in high school.  Having good study habits and making lists of all what needs to be done while setting goals can really get the mind headed in the right direction toward accomplishing the grades on examinations and really gaining the permanent knowledge. 

            There are several competencies that a student and future professional could possess that would make learning in the future easier.  The first is being a good time manager.  Be able to plan out an entire day of classes and school work or a daily schedule of work or even both so there is enough time for what all needs to be done and still be able to have some down time to oneself.  A key to anything is being patient.  That is a component when working with clients in trying situations or even with learning.  It may not all come at once but if you are persistent with studying then the knowledge of the material is soon to develop.  Studying may not be a person’s favorite thing but be patient with the material and the time used and it will pay off.  Another competency that can also be related to time management is being organized.  Having materials all filed so everything is where it needs to be for each class or having clients files ready and on hand without accidently combining papers.  A student or worker organizes their day so they know all of what needs to be completed.  A final trait would be willingness and having an open mind.  Everyone needs to be willing to learn, no matter the age or amount of experience in the subject.  New knowledge can always be gained.  Going into a job or class with an open mind will help because it might not be an area you are familiar with but it will still benefit you.  Theses competencies could be a key component to present and future learning and working in the field of a professional social worker.          




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